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Buyer A Client’s Journey: Downsizing, Finding a Home, and Community This is a summary from Carrol’s video about her experience.  Click to see the full video Carrol’s journey to finding her new home began with a heartfelt decision to downsize and move closer to her younger grandchildren in Virginia. Having lived in northern Michigan, Carrol had watched her older grandchildren grow up and realized it […]
Buyer Developing a Winning Strategy for Your Offer: Insights from a Buyer’s Agent Developing a Winning Strategy for Your Offer: Insights from a Buyer’s Agent When a buyer’s agent says, “we need to develop a strategy for making an offer,” it’s much more than just selecting a price and submitting a bid. Particularly in competitive real estate markets like those in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C., where multiple […]
Uncategorized Real Estate is All About Life: A Home Buyer’s Story The Relationship Between Real Estate and Real Life Real estate is often seen as just a transactional process. Buy, sell, sign papers, move in, and move out. But, in reality, it is so much more than that. Buying or selling a property is an event that can impact your life in profound ways. JJ and […]
First Time Buyers How Virginia Housing Can Help First-Time Home Buyers in Today’s Market How Virginia Housing Can Help First-Time Home Buyers in Today’s Market   The Challenges First-time home buyers often face many hurdles when it comes to buying their first home. One such challenge is the rising cost of homes which means bigger down payment. Aside from that, tough competition from cash buyers and higher bidders makes […]
Lending Exploring Mortgage Loan Options: A Comprehensive Guide for Homebuyers
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